
Monday, June 6, 2011



The Manny Pacquiao and Mosley fight just recently was a great fight for me. Manny did a great job. This big event in the Philippines and even in the whole world gave me a great lesson to live on.
There was a round where Manny Pacquiao was down on the floor because he was accidentally pushed by Mosely and received a bad call from the referee. Obviously, it should have not been counted by the referee as “knocked down,” but it was. However, that incident did not disappoint Pacquiao instead he just laughed at the decision of the referee. He got back , more aggressive, dominate the rest of the rounds and win the fight. This was something that I have noticed in the person of Manny Pacquiao and I do believe that this is one of his positive attitudes that made him as the greatest ring fighter in the world.

I remember also when Manny Pacquiao lost his fight with Eric Morales after which , he became more stronger and instead of getting discourage, he prepared himself to make it to victory. Since then, he never missed his every fight. Many people love to see him inside the ring because of this positive attitude.
We should embrace this positive attitude of Manny Pacquiao, “ he never surrender until he makes it to the top.” Sometimes life will knock us down because of so many failures we experienced, but let us not take these failures as reasons for us to stop living, instead let us take these as a motivation to fight again, make our self more stronger in order to win the game of life. Every failures in life could be a great opportunity and something that we can profit from it , if taken positively failures can be profitable to us .

I am fond of reading biographies of successful people. One common thing I observed among them is that, all of them experienced failures in life much greater than what we have maybe right now but they all knew how to profit from it. These never discouraged them to pursue their dreams instead, they took these as factors that made them stronger to face life again and again until they succeed. Just like Thomas Edison who failed 10,000 times before he became successful in his invention. Michael Jordan failed to enter the varsity during his High school days but instead he became the greatest basketball player of his time.

Failure is good when we profit from it, and it can be a motivating factor for us to do more just like Manny Pacquiao, Thomas Edison , Michael Jordan and many more successful personalities.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You Care To Connect

Since I started to venture out into business I have met a lot of people. And since achieving our dream is not a smooth sailing venture ,you've will meet people who are willing to support
and also people who will challenge you and make your life hard. That’s why It is important to have a mentor who can help and teach you the right mindset and skills in doing business and pursuing our dreams. Then I learn this lesson about “you care to connect” through my experience with them. God give me this two great mentors, they're both successful in their own businesses. And I really learn a lot from them, in fact if you are talking to them you're like reading a book. But they said that you cannot serve two masters at the same time so I made a choice who am I to follow. And honestly it gives me a hard time to choose between the two because they are both competent and great mentors. The question is who will I choose.? They both coached me everything they know, all the knowledge and skills. And what makes me decide to choose among them is the word called "care". This mentor of mine whom I choose to be my leader gives me a hard time and sometimes makes my life difficult. Why I choose him over the other? It is because I can feel that he really cares and connects with me not only in my business but also in my personal life.

I don’t know this principle before until I read a book called Everybody communicate but few connect by John Maxwel l. It's a really great book and I recommend it for reading if you really want to learn how to connect with other people. He said if you want to connect with people you must show care because people don't care what you know but how much you care. Now I understand why I choose him as a leader and mentor. I learn also that the first step to make connection is showing care. I attended a breakthrough Online Marketing yesterday and the speaker said he has a friend who is great to be a potential business partner. Although he refuses to work with him, because that person doesn’t care about him. Every time they talk to each other the conversation is always business and work related stuff. If we want people to follow us we must really care to Connect with them. John Maxwell is right that some of us communicate but few of us connect. Showing care sometimes is simply knowing what is important to other people aside from business. Right now every time I meet my business associates or clients I always ask first how was his/her day, how was his/her family or if whether he/she is okay or he/she needs rest. By simply asking question about his/her personal life will make a difference in connecting with him/her.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wisdom Of Jim Rohn

Don't just read the easy stuff. You may be entertained by it, but you will never grow from it.
Jim Rohn

Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.
Jim Rohn

For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward.
Jim Rohn

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.
Jim Rohn

Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of your attention.
Jim Rohn

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.
Jim Rohn

If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.
Jim Rohn

If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
Jim Rohn

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.
Jim Rohn

Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.
Jim Rohn

Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book.
Jim Rohn

Money is usually attracted, not pursued.
Jim Rohn

Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.
Jim Rohn

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.
Jim Rohn

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.
Jim Rohn

Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experience and invest them in the future.
Jim Rohn

The book you don't read won't help.
Jim Rohn

The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become.
Jim Rohn

The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - never knowing.
Jim Rohn

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

"See Why Being An Entrepreneur Is Cool”

            Imagine, all of the things we are using right now are the products of an entrepreneur’s creative mind like the internet, our favorite car, clothes, gadgets, our favorite hangouts like malls, etc. Do you  think  it is cool?

Entrepreneurship allows us to become creative and can make us express our greatness as a person.  I do believe that  all  of us has an entrepreneurial spirit that  once  this is developed or enhanced  we can achieve more.  Entrepreneurs are normal people but willing to do extraordinary things because they believe that they are born into greatness.

I like what John Maxwell said about being an entrepreneur.  He said, “Entrepreneur become the envy of others because oftentimes  they do what others wanted to do and what others could have done but they  won’t do.”  Entrepreneur has a courage to do what others do not want to do.  That  is, why they get  what others are not getting.  The only difference of an non- entrepreneur to entrepreneur is that, the latter  do accept more challenges with courage.

Entrepreneurship is the way to be free, to have a life style that you want  and will also give   an opportunity to enjoy life every single day.  I know of a friend who has a very exciting life style.  He always travel  almost every month doing beach hopping, surfing and enjoying his passion every single day.  He gets that kind of life because he decided to be an entrepreneur.

Every single day people respect and admire the entrepreneurs because of their contribution to the world.  Mostly  of successful entrepreneurs , just like Bill Gates, are busy doing charity works by helping less fortunate people aside from doing business.    This is a social responsibility  that successful entrepreneur  incorporated in the mission-vision of their business  which make them more popular in their chosen field.

Imagine, if you decide to be an entrepreneur and work  hard for it , you will have the opportunity to live the life that you really want.  Nice car, expensive clothes, travel, time, shopping, charity works, beach hopping, beautiful wife , handsome husband, etc.  It’s cool right?  Do you think you deserve that kind of life?  Yes, I believe you deserve it but you have to believe it yourself.

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Are you a Travel agent or a tour guide?

Being a leader means you bring people somewhere to a certain destination and take them on a journey. According to John Maxwell there are two types of people a travel agent and a tour guide. You have to decide what you want to be... a Travel agent is the one who will get you a ticket, give you a map,brochure and a planner then sent you to a place that they never been.

While a tour guide is the one will walk with you, guide and support you until you reach a certain destination,  that's being a leader.  Leaders don't leave people  alone they bring people with them.

The Alpha And Beta Traits

Alpha and Beta Personalities

There are two types of personality,  the Alpha and the Beta,  and what is the difference between these two personalities?

First I would like to discuss the  ALPHA.   Alpha personality is a person whom people are attracted to  and want to be with them because of personality traits that  he or she has.  The guy who always gets the hottest girls is an alpha. The woman many people admire onstage, with style and dignity is an alpha. A church leaders who lead a community is an alpha. Good example of this are celebrities, rock stars , political and business leaders.  People always want to join their  leadership or company. One of the traits that they have is self confidence.  They are certain in the things that they want.  And they usually care and love themselves. These alpha individuals give value to others and always possess a positive energy which is the reason why people love them so much.  Most of the time they do what other people don't want to do.   And the good part  is  they get  the money, the car, the girl or the guy that they want while people respect them because of their  positive impact  to the society.

What is BETA ? M ost of them become followers because they have little self confidence and they are uncertain on the things that they want. That's why they need a leader to guide them. They always blame others or circumstances and avoid responsibilities .  In short, they are the opposite of the alpha.  Being a beta is not bad.  Most of us start  in this state and along the way with the guide of the alpha persons or leaders.  In such way,  we can develop to adapt ourselves and learn how to become one of the alphas. You  start developing  your self confidence and start leading your own community as well.  We don't want to be in beta state forever .  We can upgrade ourselves and make a difference to our family and society as a whole.

Do you want to be a follower  forever? Of course  not.  That's why we need to grow and develop our -selves and believe in our potential....

So the real question, is what do you want to be?  Being an Alpha or a Beta? Choose now or else life will choose for you by default, and you might regret it..:=)

In building your business  or creating relationship weather on line or Offline being alpha is an advantage, you can attract more followers that will turn in to loyal clients or business partners.

How To Build Up Yourself To Others By Telling Your Stories

I have something to tell you that most  people didn't know..  You become your own story as you tell about yourself… every day  in our lives we always  telling stories about ourselves to our friends , family members, business partners and other associates . But many of us are not aware the impact of the stories we are creating.

These stories can either break us or build us.. How?  For example there are  people who I don’t trust sometimes not because they are bad people but because of the stories they told to me about themselves.  They tell about their lack of responsibility before in the past or they tell stories about their complaints and failures and they keep repeating them.  Eventually they transfer those stories to me  and soon become my reality

So the way I view him or her is such an irresponsible person, now do you trust irresponsible person?  Of course not.  In short, they are the ones creating their reality based on the stories they tell. How about  you tell stories about your success or accomplishment and how you achieved it, like a story  that  you were once in high school  a captain ball of a football team or story like you help your community in  organizing charity works..  Even small successes you often  trash into a garbage can,  will make a difference in your life.  It is not yet too late.

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