
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You Can Learn From The Pro!

Every entrepreneur should have a Mentor , You have to find someone who can help you show the way someone who’s been down that road before and can share their wisdom.

A mentor is someone with more experience than you. Why we need a mentor? A mentor is your guide and can teach you the discipline you need to be successful in business and he can help shorten your learning curve. Our mentor can teach us patience when we face difficulty along the way while learning the discipline on how to be successful in business, and the safest and fastest way to do this is to apprentice with someone else.

You can find a mentor anywhere, there’s a lot of books out there about personal development, audio, video and trainings of successful people. Invest in reading good books and attending personal development trainings.One of my friends and who once my mentor said, be like a sponge and absorb everything the mindset, skills and wisdom of every successful person.

You can treat your mind like a garden you can plant every good thoughts in your mind and wait until they grow in your brain…If you want to be successful in business you have to surround yourself with people who are successful in business… Very few people achieve great success without a mentor. Find a team that will support you achieving your dreams people who will encourage you to fulfill your mission in life. Hang out with positive people and learn from each other. Expand your social network.

One of your mentors maybe is your personal experiences as you can even turn your failure as a mentor, in school if we commit mistake our teacher mark it as a failing grade but in reality or in  life its ok to make mistakes. One of the authors said if you want to be successful faster, double your failing rate and learn from them…successful people has many mistakes compared to unsuccessful people. Don’t be afraid to make mistake!

As long as you will become open and willing to learn, mentors will show up in your life. Most of the successful mentors will not ask you for payment, They like to teach and train other people as long as you are willing.  Sometimes they do it because they want to learn more. Develop a good relationship with your mentor. And as the relationship develops over time, that trust can grow even stronger. Also, your time with them becomes more and more efficient as they become more and more familiar with you and your business…

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